상품 상세 정보
상품명 [스페인 현대조각] 무상(無常)
제조사 InverArt, Spain
원산지 Spain
판매가 ₩790,000

신용카드 결제7,900원 (1%)

무통장 입금 결제7,900원 (1%)

상품 옵션

작품명  En tránsito(transience)

작가: Jose Luís de Casasola

크기: 45cm

제질: 인조주철 + 대리석 Handmade

판권 및 한정판 번호 표시 보증서 포함

Origin: Inver Art Gallery-Barcelona

* 하단의 게제된 art magazine은 참고를 위한 것으로 판매되는 작품과는 소재 크기등의 차이가 있습니다. 작가가 같은 design으로 만든 다른 작품입니다.

José Luís de Casasola has achieved world renown at a young age. He was born in Madrid in 1948. His father was a professor at the Artisans School in Madrid, thus Casasola was exposed to the arts from his chidhood. Casasola developed to become a gifted portrait painter; much sought after by high society and world leaders. Following in the footsteps of multi talented Spanish artists, the painter Casasola through brilliance and talent became the world class sculptor Casasola. His sculpture defies convention. Casasola is not burdened by the limitation known to others who sculpt in porcelain. He has unrestricted freedom to sculpt and is not confined to traditional technical limitations. The result are magnificient pieces with incredible detail made possible only by combining this artist’s unparalelled talent with breakthrough technology used to produce these limited edition sculptures.